Detail clearance of goods for domestic manufacturers

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Director General of the Imports and Free Zone Specialized Customs Service of Iran said: "In line with the national support for the production of raw materials required by domestic producers, it will be cleared.

Ali Motaqoli in the program "On line economy" Radio Economics, saying that in order to continue the cycle of production of the country this important, he added: According to Article 42 of the Customs Code, in sensitive cases, the legislator allowed the Islamic Republic of Iran to request the responsible official The manufacturing facilities, the raw materials are discharged and after a week of customs and ceremonial customs.
He emphasized that by implementing the law, the country's production will not be shaken, according to the slogan this year and more support than national law enforcement, Article 42 has been taken into consideration more than ever before.
The Director General of the Imports and Free Zone Specialized Customs Service continued: "The other support provided by the domestic producers of customs clearance has been more efficient than ever."
He said, in fact, the small amount of goods and raw materials required by the producers will remain in the customs, and much of it will be discharged without any form of payment, so that there is no problem in the country's production sector.
"The clearance of imported goods that enter the country with tariffs of more than 26 percent, which is usually the same as domestic ones, is only possible in cash, which is a valuable step forward in providing support to domestic producers," he added.